History of deodorants and room freshners..
Hello everyone....hope you all are safe in your houses.... This is my fourth blog.... So firstly history of deodorants... In 1910 deodorants were relatively new inventions. The first deodorant which kills odour producing bacteria was called 'Mum' was developed and patented by U.S. inventor Ednaedna Murphy. Helen Barnett developed an underarm applicator based on the newly invented ball point pen. The name deodorant signifies that it is a special spray which aromatises a place or person where it is spread. The deodorants are mainly developed aiming the armpit region as it is the worst smelling part of the body however it can be used on the other part of the body. In 1950 aerosal antiperspirants and deodorants cointainng aluminum zirconium and clorofluro carbon propilants( CFCs) appeared in the market. This deodorant are extremely popular. However in 1977 the FDA banned the use of aluminum Ziroconium. Because of there major health concern. In late 1970 stick form of deodorants ga...